Erinnerung: Bitte überpüft bei der DHV-Anmeldung eure aktuelle E-MAIL-Adresse, Fluggerät (aktuelles Modell), T-Shirt-Grösse und Sponsorenangabe. Piloten, die Helfer mitbringen, werden aufgefordert sich via E-Mail (s.u.) zu melden, und können wie gewohnt eine Wildcard per Mail beantragen. Vielen Dank!
Pilots Registration now open on DHV-server.
Reminder for 2020: Pilot selection for International German FlatlandsQualification: If more than 20 pilots are registrated on 15th February 2020, the first 5 pilots are qualified according to the FAI-CIVL-Ranking (1st December 2019), for the remaining positions we take over the scoring points of the best three XC – flights from each XC-online-competition platform (point calculation in accordance to DHV-XC; Pilots are requested to send weblinks of their best 3 Flights in 2019 via email to flatlandsgs(at) )
In case of early overbooking we will be forced to put a cap on the registration.